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The Campsite

Balmacara Community Trust (BCT) has been considering the potential acquisition of the former Balmacara Campsite, which is of significant recreational and environmental value to local people.

The Campsite

Balmacara Community Trust (BCT) has been considering the potential acquisition of the former Balmacara Campsite, which is of significant recreational and environmental value to local people. The site is 22.74 acres and includes established natural woodland and grassland, with several burns and an existing derelict building. Most of the woodland on the site is classed as long established and of plantation origin.


The process is through a Community Asset Transfer. This requires the Trust to undertake research and establish opportunities for the site and then make a formal approach to Forestry and Land Scotland, through an application, requesting them to consider selling the site to the community. FLS review this application which contains a clear proposal and a business case that demonstrates that the plan will assure self-sufficiency through effective management, is supported by the community and will be in keeping with the area.


The Trust secured a grant to fund a consultation, feasibility and business planning exercise. It commissioned SKS Scotland CIC to this work.


A community survey ran in April 2023 and resulted in 173 people responding. 66% supported the purchase of the site by BCT and a further 20% were unsure at this point in time.


Provision of public toilets, ongoing public access to the site and re-instatement of camping and campervan facilities were highlighted as priorities by the community.


The need for clear business planning, balancing visitor use with local infrastructure needs and protecting wildlife were viewed as very important. Therefore, sympathetic management of the site to manage visitors, maintain local access and protect wildlife is key to any future development.


An Options Appraisal was used to prioritise and analyse the options available to BCT. After discussion and taking account of the community feedback, BCT decided to go ahead with the application to purchase the site, it will focus on the priorities informed by the consultation process:


  • Maintaining community and public access to the woodland walks.

  • Provision of public toilets.

  • Redevelopment of the campsite infrastructure, allowing for lease of some areas to partners as appropriate.

  • Provision of BCT / campsite office and storage.

  • Inclusion of a flexible low impact community events space.


The Trust needs to mitigate the financial risks and liabilities of the campsite as soon as possible after any purchase to assure sustainability, site maintenance and upkeep. Generating an income becomes an essential requirement of ownership.

The Trust was concerned about the cost of the developments required to bring the site back into operation and its ability to raise these funds in good time, such that financial security was not impacted. It was also aware of local provision that would be competing against the Trust with campsite provision and with much more experience.


During the time of the Business Plan being created, BCT was approached by Jamie McColl, the owner and manager of Reraig Campsite with a proposal. This proposal changed the landscape of this project to one that is realistic, sustainable, meets the priorities and provides to BCT the security it needed for the acquisition. His approach was unexpected and was a result of seeing the consultation exercise.


Jamie submitted a business plan that provided a level of reassurance to the Trust and it involves a lease of a small area of the site.


The plan looks to the redevelopment of a small camping and campervan offer at Balmacara campsite with the view to BCT leasing an area out to Reraig Camping and Caravanning. This involves the following investment that Reraig would look to provide:


  • Planning permissions and caravan site license.

  • 16 pitches with hard standing and grass with hook ups (8 posts).

  • 25 grass tenting pitches.

  • Prefabricated toilet block sufficient for 50 pitches (6 sinks, 5 toilets and 3 showers each side). This being future proof too (phase 2). It would include a small office for the warden and storage.

  • Chemical waste disposal point (black waste).

  • Drive over grey waste disposal point.

  • A clearly marked refuse and recycling point.

  • A 75m gravel surfaced track to the tent area with parking for 25 vehicles, keeping cars off the grass.

  • Fire Points.

  • A steel storage shed.

  • Survey and upgrade or replace the wastewater tank and septic tank as required

  • Track infrastructure for access to all pitches and toilets.

  • Soft landscaping.


Balmacara Community Trust will look to the following:


  • Upgrade the existing building to house the BCT office, meeting rooms, bathroom, small kitchen, externally accessible public toilet and laundry* as well as storage facilities.

  • Maintain public access across the whole site.

  • Establish a presentation / performance area.

  • Implement tree and wildlife conservation and management measures across the whole site through a Woodland Management Plan.

  • Varied events and activities for people to enjoy.

  • Increased volunteer opportunities


* The laundry provision came from the Old Mill Hall restoration consultation exercise. Moving this to the campsite leaves more room at the hall site for that heritage restoration project, whilst the potential for more use would come from the campsite.


Working with Reraig we also hope to provide:


  • A shelter with power to support performances and outdoor activity.

  • Community gathering space with seating also suitable for forest school provision.

  • The addition of a Children’s Adventure Playground.



Reraig Campsite would fund the full development of the designated campsite area. This partnership, governed through a memorandum of understanding, brings security to the project, but also the experience of a well reputed campsite provider.


This would reduce the risk to the community significantly and provide BCT with an income soon after purchase, which would ensure that management costs of the wider site could be covered.



Details of the proposals can be found here:


The Trust aspirations are an enabler to the opportunities with Reraig Caravan and Camping, the lease is not the driver for this acquisition. The Trust aims to be self-sufficient with the woodland site without the intervention of competent campsite operator but sees the significant benefits of this arrangement.




The Community Trust placed its Community Asset Transfer application to Forestry and Land Scotland and on the 15th of July 2024 received a decision notice agreeing to our request.


Forestry and Land Scotland indicated that this decision was based on the following reasons:


  • BCT has demonstrated a viable business case for reinstatement and investment in the campsite through a 25-year lease to Reraig Caravan and Camping for part of the site.

  • This will allow BCT to manage the majority of the site for community amenity and biodiversity.

  • The site is important to local residents for recreation, and BCT also plan to create a space for community events and outdoor education activities for local primary school.


The Trust is now placing funding applications for the capital and revenue to pursue this acquisition.


It has placed an application to the Community Regeneration Fund (CLLD) for 2 further surveys required to inform the Woodland Management Plan (Topographical and Arboriculture). Ecological and Drainage / Flood Risk Assessments have already been completed. This application also involves the surveys and outline design proposals for the building on the site referred to as the former Forestry Commission Office.


The Trust has placed a funding application to the Scottish Land Fund for the capital to purchase the site, legal fees and a revenue application for a part time development officer.

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